This collection of twelve photographs illustrates how the Maasai use Acacia during prolonged drought, and the impacts of that use on long-term ecosystem processes. The Maasai are the largest group of nomadic livestock herders in eastern Africa. They greatly contribute to Kenya's beef industry, and cattle are their most important livestock. The Masai live in savanna ecosystems having well-defined...
This short film includes interviews with water researchers and presents basic concepts of hydrologic cycle. Water has many roles in the landscape; sculptor, solvent for minerals, a vector of transport, creates habitats. By following water through the landscape we can see connections between life and the physical environment.
This report defines the role of nearshore ecosystems, such as wetlands and seagrass meadows, as nurseries for populations of fish and shellfish that may be of commercial value to humans. The ecological value of nursery habitats in relation to the life cycle of many species of fish and invertebrates is mentioned as the nursery-role hypothesis is discussed. Biological, physical, chemical, and...
A photo of the Menindee Lakes in arid Australia depicts floodplain eucalyptus trees (Eucalyptus largiflorens) that were killed by prolonged flooding after the lakes were made into storage reservoirs for irrigation and drinking. A recent study of Australian lakes found that when lakes in floodplains are made into reservoirs, greatly reducing the fluctuations in water level, the biodiversity of...