This collection of twelve photographs illustrates how the Maasai use Acacia during prolonged drought, and the impacts of that use on long-term ecosystem processes. The Maasai are the largest group of nomadic livestock herders in eastern Africa. They greatly contribute to Kenya's beef industry, and cattle are their most important livestock. The Masai live in savanna ecosystems having well-defined...
This short film includes interviews with water researchers and presents basic concepts of hydrologic cycle. Water has many roles in the landscape; sculptor, solvent for minerals, a vector of transport, creates habitats. By following water through the landscape we can see connections between life and the physical environment.
This report discusses the negative and positive aspects of aquaculture as an alternative to harvesting wild stocks of fish. The report defines aquaculture and describes its recent growth, as well as its ecological impact. Practices to sustain aquaculture operations, such as habitat modification and the use of wild-caught seedstock are discussed. Changes to ocean food webs, the introduction of...
This report illustrates the disruption of the global water cycle as a result of human activities. The global hydrological cycle’s surface and ground water processes are detailed. The global distribution of freshwater resources and its accessibility to human populations is discussed. The increasing human demand for fresh water sources is addressed, while explaining the differences betwee...
This report addresses the conservation of freshwater ecosystems within the United States. A comparison of the pre-settlement and current conditions of U.S. freshwater resources is provided. Requirements for maintaining freshwater ecosystem physical and biotic components, such as flow patterns, sediment/organic inputs, temperature, light, chemical/nutrient conditions, and plant/animal assemblages...