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Next Generation Science Standards (for K-12) -- Analyzing and interpreting data

View Resource Order Up! Ecological Succession at Table Rock State Park in Pickens, South Carolina

Students are given photos of different phases of ecological succession that are from Table Rock State Park in Pickens, South Carolina. Using their knowledge of ecological succession, students arrange the photos in chronological order of the phases of succession.


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Phylogenetic Approach to Teaching Plant Diversity

This guided inquiry module provides an approach to teaching major groups of terrestrial plants and the methods used to construct and analyze phylogenies.


Publisher: PlantEd Digital Library

View Resource Chemical Competition in Peatlands

These lab exercises were designed to enhance students� understanding of the concept of chemical competition in ecology. They use the moss Sphagnum to illustrate the concept, which shows students that competition occurs between plants. Many of the traditional examples show competition as a physical battle between animals. By using the chemical alteration of the environment by Sphagnum, a teache...


Publisher: PlantEd Digital Library

View Resource How do pawpaws affect tree regeneration?

In this study, students investigate whether and how much the native understory shrub pawpaw (Asimina triloba) may affect tree regeneration in a forested habitat. During one lab period in the field, they collect data on the densities of tree seedlings and saplings under varying densities of pawpaws. During a second lab period in a classroom, they test whether tree densities are lower under...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Energy Storage in Plants: Should Biofuels Be Made from Seeds or Leaves and Stems?

The investigation involves students determining where plants store potential energy (a.k.a., chemical energy). In the investigation, students will grow rapid cycling Brassica rapa plants and observe that the dry weight (mass) increases because of photosynthesis. They will measure the amount of energy stored in seeds and vegetative tissues by using a simple calorimeter. The information collected...


Publisher: PlantEd Digital Library

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