Forests play an important role in the U.S. and global carbon cycle, and carbon sequestered by U.S. forest growth and harvested wood products currently offsets 12-19% of U.S. fossil fuel emissions. The cycle of forest growth, death, and regeneration and the use of wood removed from the forest complicate efforts to understand and measure forest carbon pools and flows. Our report explains these...
ISSUES: DATA SET Exploring the population dynamics of wintering bald eagles through long-term data
How does a bald eagle population change over time at a winter migratory stopover and which factors influence its abundance?
Guided Approach: Students will generate questions about bald eagle numbers influenced by weather and food availability....
Invasive species are a major threat to global biodiversity, second only to habitat destruction. One solution to the invasive plant species problem is biological control. Sometimes biological control is successful, and sometimes it is not. Thus, it is critical for ecologists to predict the likely success of biological control, and how much damage the control agent must inflict on an invasive...
In this simulation, students work in groups to design a marine reserve in a hypothetical island state called “Udubia.” After learning about marine reserve design, students will choose characters that represent a variety of stakeholders, be placed in like-minded groups, create a reserve design based on provided data sources, and defend it in a presentation and debate. An optional individu...
To investigate how species, communities, and habitats change over the rural-urban (or pristine to human-dominated) gradient students conduct a series of biological inventories, field measurements, taxonomic keying out, natural history classifications, landscape classifications, statistical analyses, and a literature review. Each laboratory session will be geared towards one or several of these...