The central Amazon Basin is home to some of the most biologically diverse forests in the world. These rain forests are being reduced and fragmented at a fast rate (as of 2004, about 24 million hectares per year), and the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on these ecosystems is still poorly understood. This is especially true for long-lived species such as trees. The proliferation of...
The Dos Bocas dam in Puerto Rico was constructed in 1942 to generate hydroelectric power. Dams in this region prevent the migration of shrimp and fish to areas upstream of the dam. As a result, compared to similar reaches of undammed streams, areas that are upstream of dammed rivers have higher amounts of organic and inorganic nutrients as well as altered invertebrate populations. Loss of...
In this Issue, students examine published data that address the causes of coral and seagrass decline in Florida. Activities engage students in data analysis and hypothesis testing and will increase their understanding of the complexities of ecological phenomena.
In this Issue, students will examine published data that address the ecological consequences of environmental disturbance. Disturbance is a useful topic in the teaching of ecology and about disputes in science.
In this simulation, students work in groups to design a marine reserve in a hypothetical island state called “Udubia.” After learning about marine reserve design, students will choose characters that represent a variety of stakeholders, be placed in like-minded groups, create a reserve design based on provided data sources, and defend it in a presentation and debate. An optional individu...