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New Resources
View Resource Pathways to Scientific Teaching, Chapter 1 of 7: The first day of class--the most important

How motivated, empowered, and confident are students when they walk into a science course with 250 (or more) other students? Often students’ expectations are limited to taking notes on lectures, reading assigned text chapters, and struggling through exams in a subject that is often perceived by them as more challenging than many of their other courses. Students readily assume the role o...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Effects of frost on wildflowers: an unexpected consequence of climate change--image 22 of 22

The ratio of flowers/butterfly (Erigeron speciosus to Speyeria mormonia) in year t is a good predictor of the change in the size of the Mormon fritillary butterfly population from year t to the next year (measured here by number of males). Years having few flowers per butterfly result in a population decline the following year. In contrast, population growth is higher when many flowers are...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Effects of frost on wildflowers: an unexpected consequence of climate change--image 20 of 22

A Mormon fritillary butterfly (Speyeria mormonia) visiting flowers of the fleabane daisy (Erigeron speciosus), an important and preferred nectar resource. Flower buds of E. speciosus are frost-sensitive. Egg production of female S. mormonia butterflies is limited by the amount of nectar they can collect (which is unusual for butterflies). Therefore, spring frosts that kill E. speciosus flowers...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Effects of frost on wildflowers: an unexpected consequence of climate change--image 21 of 22

A graph (modified from Boggs and Inouye 2012, Ecology Letters) demonstrating that Speyeria mormonia (Mormon fritillary) butterfly visits are proportionally greater when their food plant, Erigeron (fleabane), produces many flowers. Frost damage reduces the number of available flowers. When flowers are abundant, they produce more nectar and attract more butterflies. In turn, the greater...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Investigating Climate Change Evidence

This activity uses the jigsaw method to encourage students, in groups, to become experts on different types of evidence as a means of understanding climate change. Each group focuses on a topic, highlights at least one data set within that topic, and researches the data collection process along with the potential consequences of the evidence. Students are asked to critique the evidence they...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library