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Welcome to the Ecological Society of America's online education resource portal! ESA's EcoEd Digital Library (EcoEdDL) is a forum for scientists and educators to locate and contribute peer reviewed resources for 21st century undergraduate ecology education. Resources are available based on the Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. EcoEdDL strives to foster a community of ecology education users and contributors. Need Help or More Info? Contact

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New Resources
View Resource Testing hypotheses about behavioral interactions between cats, coyotes, and birds at carcasses

In this activity, students will play the role of a field biologist quantifying and explaining animal behavior using the scientific method (observation – hypothesis – prediction – test). Powerpoint slides contain a series of photos of scavengers at deer carcasses. Students will form hypotheses about the behavioral interactions in the photos, then make predictions that could be used to test their...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Case Study on Mark and Recapture

Estimating the population size of animals is an important task for wildlife biologists, who can use the data to assess the health of a population. It requires diligent observation skills coupled with the ability to use empirical models that effectively determine the number of animals based on field surveys. The most common method for estimating the population size of animals is mark and recapture....


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Life Cycle Analysis and Assessment of Crop Production Methods

Students use their ecological knowledge of soil processes, energy, water systems, and human interactions to compare the environmental impact of food production. Each group of 3-4 students develop life cycle analyses (LCA) for a single crop grown under different scenarios. As individuals, students are responsible for developing two LCA for that crop, and then together in their groups, they compile...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Simulating Sampling Communities and Calculating Diversity Indices with Scrabble Game Tiles

Using tiles from a Scrabble game, we present methods to create simulations of sampling exercises and to develop diversity indices. The tiles represent species, and so a known sampling universe (100 tiles) allows comparing a sample with the known distribution of species. We then offer several variations to simulate different kinds of sampling (larger sample size, more samples), alter the rarity...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource How the Bioblitz Boosts the Zoology Course

Collection of invertebrates on campus, as part of the BioBlitz, increases the interest in students in animals as they get to go out to the field and collect specimens. They also learn about collection techniques and equipment. These activities also provide an opportunity for experimental design. Students are also contributing to the species count of the BioBlitz.


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library