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Ecoed Digital Library - Important Note

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Welcome to the Ecological Society of America's online education resource portal! ESA's EcoEd Digital Library (EcoEdDL) is a forum for scientists and educators to locate and contribute peer reviewed resources for 21st century undergraduate ecology education. Resources are available based on the Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. EcoEdDL strives to foster a community of ecology education users and contributors. Need Help or More Info? Contact

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New Resources
View Resource Teaching Exponential and Logistic Growth in a Variety of Classroom and Laboratory Settings

Ecology and conservation biology contain numerous examples of populations growing without bounds or shrinking towards extinction. For these populations, the change in the number of individuals generally follows an exponential curve. On the other hand, limited resources may keep population numbers in check and help maintain the population at the environment's carrying capacity. These...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Performing a population viability analysis from data students collect on a local plant

During two lab periods, students collect demographic data on perennial plants and then use these data in a matrix model to perform population viability analyses. During the first lab, students tag and record data on individual plants in the field. During the second lab, students compile these data to build transition matrices and then use R to run simulations. In the first year that instructors...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Investigating the footprint of climate change on phenology and ecological interactions in north-central North America

The ecological questions in this exercise are: 1) Have long-term temperatures changed throughout Ohio? 2) How will these temperature changes impact plant and animal phenology, ecological interactions, and, as a result, species diversity? This exercise is designed to give students experience working with large datasets and to allow them to use real ecological data to evaluate long-term...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Caribbean Medicinal Teas and Bush Baths

This is a conference workshop but can be adapted for a laboratory exercise.


Publisher: EconBotEd Digital Library

View Resource Order Up! Ecological Succession at Table Rock State Park in Pickens, South Carolina

Students are given photos of different phases of ecological succession that are from Table Rock State Park in Pickens, South Carolina. Using their knowledge of ecological succession, students arrange the photos in chronological order of the phases of succession.


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library