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Ecoed Digital Library - Important Note

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Welcome to the Ecological Society of America's online education resource portal! ESA's EcoEd Digital Library (EcoEdDL) is a forum for scientists and educators to locate and contribute peer reviewed resources for 21st century undergraduate ecology education. Resources are available based on the Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. EcoEdDL strives to foster a community of ecology education users and contributors. Need Help or More Info? Contact

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New Resources
View Resource A Bird’s Eye View of Changing Landscapes: Using Google Earth to Explore Changing Landscapes

Students use Google Earth and satellite imagery from the United Nations Environmental Programme’s Atlas of our Changing Environment to discover ways in which landscapes change over time due to human actions and natural forces. By analyzing patterns in current and historical satellite images from locations around the world, students explore various types of landscape change and predict potentia...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Using Owl Pellet Analysis to Explore Space Use and Productivity

Laboratory exercise to teach undergraduates about factors determining territory size. It begins with dissecting owl pellets and leads students through a series of calculations. A key theme is the ability to make and defend valid estimations.


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Geographic Gradients in Community Patterns of Forest Trees

This exercise, intended as homework or an in-class exercise, provides a guided inquiry approach to understanding continental scale patterns of species richness and patterns of relative abundance within community species assemblages. Students are introduced to the concept of latitudinal gradients in species richness. They are also introduced to the concept of evenness of relative abundances within...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Talking Turkey: Using a short story to facilitate learning and appreciation of energy flows through ecosystems

Human beings are storytellers. This exercise uses the universality of storytelling to engage undergraduate students in ecological science. Students read a fictional narrative that connects scientific principles of ecology to their daily life and in doing so helps students become more personally engaged in the scientific material and more interested in analyzing and evaluating the role of...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Leaves as Thermometers

Plant morphology reflects evolutionary solutions to environmental constraints. In this experiment, students use this principle to predict the climate at their site. They collect and measure a set of traits on local tree leaf samples during the first meeting. At the following meeting(s), they pool their data and are introduced to a global database of climate and leaf morphology. In groups, they...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library