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Discipline Specific Core Concepts | |
Life science discipline (subject) | |
Keywords | Population Growth,Carrying Capacity,Predator-Prey Dynamics,Fisheries Ecology,Resource Management,Multilevel Selection,Sustainability |
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Intended End User Role | |
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Educational Language | |
Pedagogical Use Category | |
Pedagogical Use Description | Students who complete these activities should be able to: 1. Describe the effects of different individual levels of exploitation effort on the overall success of each individual; 2. Differentiate between deterministic and stochastic influences on the outcome of experienced by each individual; 3. Explain the different dynamics displayed by an resource-limited system and one in which resources are delivered at a constant rate; 4. Predict how resource-limited systems will respond to unregulated exploitation (in other words, to predict a “Tragedy of the Commons”); 5. Predict what level of exploitation will result in a crash of a fishery (given knowledge about its average fecundity); 6. Describe the conflict between individual and group interests when members of that group exploit a shared resource; and 7. Devise regulatory schemes that promote both a healthy economy and a sustainable fishery. |
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Full Name of Primary Author | Christopher X Jon Jensen |
Primary Author Controlled Name | |
Primary Author Affiliation | Pratt Institute Department of Mathematics & Science School of Liberal Arts & Sciences |
Primary Author email | |
Added By Id |
Submitter Name | Christopher X Jon Jensen |
Submitter Email | |
Rights | Submitter is the author of the material and has the right to submit this work to EcoEd DL |
License | |
Publisher | |
Review type | |
Drought and Water Ecosystem Services Collection | Off |
Conservation Targets Under Global Change Collection | Off |
Big Data Collection | Off |
Editors Choice | No |
Resource Status | |
Date Of Record Submission | 2013-04-02 |
I Agree to EcoEdDL's Copyright Policy & Terms of Use | No |
Date Of Record Release | 2013-06-20 14:26:09 |
Last Modified By Id |
Date Last Modified | 2013-09-10 14:34:10 |
Release Flag | Published |
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