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Welcome to the Ecological Society of America's online education resource portal! ESA's EcoEd Digital Library (EcoEdDL) is a forum for scientists and educators to locate and contribute peer reviewed resources for 21st century undergraduate ecology education. Resources are available based on the Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. EcoEdDL strives to foster a community of ecology education users and contributors. Need Help or More Info? Contact

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New Resources
View Resource Sea Surface Warming in the Florida Keys

This pair of images illustrates the rise in sea surface temperature in the Florida Keys between June 11, 1985 and July 4, 2005. Most of the surface has warmed by one to two degrees Fahrenheit. Rising ocean temperatures due to climate change pose a tremendous threat to coral reefs and the marine life they shelter. Global water temperatures began a steady rise in the 1980s, accompanied by coral...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Nesting trends (2011) of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in South Carolina.

Graph depicting the 2011 nesting trends of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in South Carolina. The associated PDF file contains a 2009 report from the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources on the state of loggerhead nesting in coastal areas.


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource The Sustainable Use of Fisheries

The Evolution of Sustainable Use is a flash-based game that allows multiple players to simultaneously exploit a model fishery. The game presents a fishery as a metaphor for any communally-exploited resource. This imaginary fishery is scaled down so that the actions of 2-8 players influence the sustainability of the system. In the game “boats” represent the unit of fishing effort, and ea...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Urban to Rural Gradients – Exploring Trends in Organismal, Community and Ecosystem Ecology

Urban ecology is quickly becoming a major subdiscipline in ecology and being included in the syllabi of most college-level ecology courses. This field and laboratory exercise is designed to be easily modified for use in any area that has a gradient of human density, from urban to rural. In addition, the exercise is designed to 1) cover major organizational levels in ecology, from organisms to...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource What NOT to Read: A Lesson in Reviewing and Critiquing Scientific Literature Using a Junk Science Article on Climate Change

A central challenge for college-level science and ecology students is understanding the significance of peer-reviewed scientific literature. Such literature is increasingly easy to access, but students have little appreciation for how it is generated and little insight into how it should be critiqued. We propose a simple exercise that demonstrates the importance of a critical reading of not...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library