In this laboratory exercise, the following issues are examined: 1) why neither predators nor prey go extinct when there is a long period of nonrenewal of the prey population 2) the effects of habitat on foraging speed 3) the advantages foragers can gain from experience in foraging 4) the advantage of exclusive use of an area for foragers 5) the effects of food density on foraging speed 6) the...
With this TIEE Data Set, students assess effects of phosphorus addition on algae, moss, mayflies, and arctic grayling fish in the Kuparuk River, in the foothills of the North Slope of Alaska. Data were taken over 15 years at the Arctic Long Term Ecological Research (ARC LTER) site at the Toolik field station. Phosphorus was added to the river as an experiment to study the effects of nutrient...
In this Experiment, students investigate the inhibitory effects of Eastern Hemlock trees on establishment of neighboring woody plants. Some years ago, one of the faculty in the Biology Department at Hope College noticed that fewer seedlings and saplings of broadleaved woody species seemed to grow beneath the canopies of eastern hemlock trees than beneath the canopies of other species on the Hope...
In this Experiment, students design an experiment to examine intraspecific and interspecific competition using two species of parasitoid wasps (Nasonia vitripennis and Melittobia digitata). Students examine the effect of both types of competition on reproductive output in the wasps. One or two females are placed on a single host: alone, or a competitor of the same species (intraspecific), with a...
This report is an introduction to exotic species invasions. An exotic species becomes invasive, when it proliferates unchecked across the region in which it was introduced. The transformation from immigrant to invader and how humans act as dispersal agents is explained. Attributes of invaders, effects on native community, global ecological and economic consequences, prevention, and long term...